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电话: +86-13521039679
姓名: bigtreepeptide
Shandong Bigtree Dreyfus Special Mealsfood Co., Ltd.

  Bigtree Group was founded in 2001, is located in the beautiful peony town - High-Tech Industry Development Zone Heze Shandong. It is an integrated private enterprises which deals with production and sales of a set of starch sugar (flavor syrup, maltodextrin), solid drinks (nondairy creamer, cream powder), modified milk powder, seasonings (marinade. wrapped powder, sauces, dusting) and other food ingredients. The group covers an area of about 1,200 acres, of which Heze Bigtree tech- nology covers

主要产品/业务: collagen powder bulk

Shandong Bigtree Dreyfus Special Mealsfood Co., Ltd. / 山东 / East Hedong Road, Lvling Town, High-Tech Zone, Heze City, Shando () / 电话:+86-13521039679

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